Inspelning Lugn Miljö | Skogen Studio | Sverige
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We are flexible with our prices, especially for longer bookings. Our passion is to help musicians create a great song or record!
We also have the opportunity to offer accommodation in the studio!
Professionell mikrofon med Pop Filter


Each recording is unique, so contact us for price suggestions

Price proposal ex. VAT

1 full day 8h: incl. technician/producer 3000 SEK

3 full days 24h: incl. technician/producer 8000 SEK

5 full days 40h: incl. technician/producer 13,000 SEK



Contact for price suggestions

Depending on the type of music, the price may vary. If you have made your recordings at home and want help with the final mix, we can offer a good price.



500 SEK / song ex VAT

Mastering is the last thing you do on a song. The process can look different. Sometimes you can make big changes and improvements and sometimes you just want an even sound and volume adjustments between the songs on the album.


Contact us for price proposals and arrangements.

We work with different styles of music and have lots of fun instruments. We work both digitally with plug-ins and analogue. Click on the link below for inspiration.

Skapar musik


Price according to agreement

Vi erbjuder också tjänster inom ljudläggning till film, inspelning av ljudbok eller podcast och produktion filmmusik.


Vi har erfarenhet från att jobba med ljud till TV (Robinson), samt musik till film (Guldbagge-belönade Skrapsår av Gabriela Pichler). Vi spelade även in ljudboken Dacke Lever.  


Are you planning to start your own podcast or want to record your music at home but do not really know what stuff is needed. We can offer various services where we can help you get started.

We also have the opportunity to record live concerts.

In the future, we will also start a training in the music program Logic Pro X and the basics of mixing.

Om ni behöver en live konsert inspelad, eller en podcast redigerad kan vi hjälpa er med det. Vi håller också då och då också kurser i inspelning. 

  • Instagram
  • Facebook - Vit Circle
  • Soundcloud - Vit Circle
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